Aquest és el blog de Institut Roquetes Radio Online. Fa un parell d'anys el nostre institut va rebre un "pack" de radio. En aquest "pack" hi havia tot el equip necesari per produir un programa de radio.

L'any passat vam decidir començar a fer servir tot l'equip i vam gravar les noticies en anglès en col.laboració amb LaCala RTV i el programa "Still Rockin".

Enguany, 2012, estem molt contents per poder dir que ara farem les noticies en col.laboració amb Antena Caro de aqui Roquetes. Pero hem fet un pas mes, hem decidit que are farem les noticies en tres llengües diferents, anglès, frances i llati.

Aixi que a partir d'ara aqui al blog de Institut Roquetes Radio Online posarem els links i els texts de
tres noticies en tres llengúes. "Institut Roquetes, Les Noticies 3x3".

Institut Roquetes, Les Noticies 3x3

Començem les noticies locals i de les Terres de l'Ebre en tres idiomes diferents.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Second broadcast

In this the second edition of "The News in English", made at the end of January, we did indeed have some technical difficulties.  When I came to edit it there was a nasty buzz on the recording that we didn't hear during the recording.

On inspecting the equipment I think the buzz originates in the MP3 cable that runs from the mixer table to the computer.  It will have to be changed.

Friday 27 January 2012

First edition January 2012

This is the first edition of "The News in English" from Institute Roquetes Radio Online.

For this first recording I have counted on the cooperation of the students participating in the optional subject I teach at Roquetes.  For this reason we made two recordings of the same selection of news items.  This first recording was largely experimental to test the set up of the equipment and the students' reactions to it.  Another question that needed to be addressed was the question of content and length.