Aquest és el blog de Institut Roquetes Radio Online. Fa un parell d'anys el nostre institut va rebre un "pack" de radio. En aquest "pack" hi havia tot el equip necesari per produir un programa de radio.

L'any passat vam decidir començar a fer servir tot l'equip i vam gravar les noticies en anglès en col.laboració amb LaCala RTV i el programa "Still Rockin".

Enguany, 2012, estem molt contents per poder dir que ara farem les noticies en col.laboració amb Antena Caro de aqui Roquetes. Pero hem fet un pas mes, hem decidit que are farem les noticies en tres llengües diferents, anglès, frances i llati.

Aixi que a partir d'ara aqui al blog de Institut Roquetes Radio Online posarem els links i els texts de
tres noticies en tres llengúes. "Institut Roquetes, Les Noticies 3x3".

Institut Roquetes, Les Noticies 3x3

Començem les noticies locals i de les Terres de l'Ebre en tres idiomes diferents.

Thursday 31 May 2012

The News in English programme 14

This is the programme recorded for the end of May.  The newsreaders for this programme were Batxillerat students and so the level of English was proportinately better than the week before.

This news piece was broadcast as part of Norman Jay's programme "Still Rockin" emitted on radio La Cala RTV.  If you would like to hear the complete programme then click on the banner below.

If you would like to read the text of the news as you listen to it then please click here.

Here are our newsreaders for this news programme, Sara, Genis and Manel from 2nBAT.

Thursday 24 May 2012

The News in English, programme 13

Here is the programme for the third week in May, last week's programme we were unable to record because we had problems finding the time to do it.

 In this programme we only have two newsreaders, many thanks to them, we were supposed to have more but at the last moment they didn't want to come.

If anyone would like to hear "Still Rockin's" complete programme then please click here on the logo.

I have heard from somebody that they would like to have the text of the news, ok no problem.  If you would like to read along with the text of the news then click here to open the text in a new window.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The News in English for the start of May

This is the news programme we have produced for now the start of May.

Do you recognise the news readers?  No?  I am sure you can.

If you still haven't recognised who is reading the news then have a look at the picture and it will be clear.

 If you would like to hear the complete programme "Still Rockin" then please click on the banner below and enjoy the music chosen by Norman Jay.