Aquest és el blog de Institut Roquetes Radio Online. Fa un parell d'anys el nostre institut va rebre un "pack" de radio. En aquest "pack" hi havia tot el equip necesari per produir un programa de radio.

L'any passat vam decidir començar a fer servir tot l'equip i vam gravar les noticies en anglès en col.laboració amb LaCala RTV i el programa "Still Rockin".

Enguany, 2012, estem molt contents per poder dir que ara farem les noticies en col.laboració amb Antena Caro de aqui Roquetes. Pero hem fet un pas mes, hem decidit que are farem les noticies en tres llengües diferents, anglès, frances i llati.

Aixi que a partir d'ara aqui al blog de Institut Roquetes Radio Online posarem els links i els texts de
tres noticies en tres llengúes. "Institut Roquetes, Les Noticies 3x3".

Institut Roquetes, Les Noticies 3x3

Començem les noticies locals i de les Terres de l'Ebre en tres idiomes diferents.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Our second broadcast with "Still Rockin"

Here is the second programme we produced for Norman Jay.  This was broadcast on March 31st.

Again if you would like to hear Norman's complete original programme then please click on the banner below.  Our news appears at minute 24.

Friday 30 March 2012

The News in English for the last week in March.

If you want to hear the complete programme "Still Rockin" please click on the banner.

Friday 16 March 2012

March, Institute Roquetes Radio Online with La Cala RTV

This month we have been very fortunate.  We have been able to get in touch with Norman Jay and start a project with him for taking our news and broadcasting it via La Cala RTV radio.

Norman is British man resident in Ametlla de Mar and he produces a radio programme on La Cala RTV called "Still Rockin".  He presents the programme in English and plays English music from the 50s and 60s.  After we talked he agreed that we could produce the News in English for his programme and he would incorporate it and then it would be broadcast as part of his programme which goes out twice over the weekend for all the English language speaking  residents in and around Ametlla.

This programme is the first one we produced for him.  It is also special becuase for this programme we prepared a new format which includes a new introduction and a sound bed downloaded from the internet.  I think the sound of the programme is now much more professional.

If you would like to hear his complete programme with our news included in it then please click on the La Cala RTV banner.